Top 12 Things Every Roofing Contractor Should Look for during a Roof Inspection

what do roof inspectors look for
August 2, 2023

Roof inspections are a crucial part of maintaining the longevity and structural integrity of your home. Regular inspections help identify potential issues early, preventing costly repairs down the line. 

Roofing contractors play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and security of your property. In this article, we’ll dive into its several aspects, such as what is a roof inspection, what is included in a roof inspection, and what do roof inspectors look for.

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What Is a Roof Inspection: Importance of Regular Inspections

Regular roof inspections are the cornerstone of preventative maintenance. By identifying problems early, you can address them before they escalate into major issues that compromise your roof’s functionality and your home’s safety. 

Roof inspections contribute significantly to the long-term health of your roof. Experienced roofers in  Reno, NV can identify signs of wear, damage, or decay that might not be visible to the untrained eye.

Addressing these issues promptly can extend your roof’s lifespan, ultimately saving you money on extensive repairs or premature replacements.

Remember, a well-maintained roof not only protects your investment, but also enhances the overall curb appeal and value of your property.

Safety Precautions and Equipment

What is a roof inspection without the proper safety measures? A potential disaster waiting to happen!

Roof inspections require adherence to strict safety protocols. Roofing contractors should ensure to wear personal protective gear, including helmets, gloves, and appropriate footwear. 

Moreover, the proper usage of ladders and harnesses is crucial to prevent accidents when ascending and descending the roof. Essential inspection tools like moisture meters, drones for aerial assessment, and cameras can help in making  thorough evaluations. Here’s more on this.

Wearing the right protective gear, including hard hats and gloves, ensures the safety of roofing contractors when they’re working at heights. This gear shields them from potential hazards and accidents, guaranteeing a secure inspection process.

Using ladders and harnesses correctly prevents falls and injuries during inspections. Ensuring these safety measures are in place keeps roofing contractors safe while they navigate the roof’s surface.

Advanced tools like moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras help identify hidden issues such as leaks or areas of potential concern. These tools allow roofing contractors to provide accurate assessments of your roof’s condition.

Keep reading to find out what does a roof inspection include.

Exterior Visual Inspection

What is included in a roof inspection? This comprehensive process includes everything that ensures your roof is in sound condition. It may start with an exterior evaluation.

The external assessment of your roof provides crucial insights into its overall condition. Roofing contractors evaluate the surface for any noticeable damage, wear, or structural irregularities.

Contractors assess the general condition of the roof, looking for signs of aging, wear, and any visible indications of damage that may require immediate attention.

Inspecting individual shingles, tiles, or panels is essential to detect any cracks, warping, or misalignment that may allow water infiltration or further damage.

Roofing contractors carefully examine the roof for visible damage caused by weather elements or external factors. Prompt identification and repair can prevent these issues from worsening over time.

Worried about your roof? Schedule a free inspection.

Gutter and Drainage Assessment

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent water from accumulating on your roof and causing damage over time. Roofing contractors assess gutters and drainage systems to ensure they’re functioning effectively.

Cleaning gutters of leaves, debris, and other obstructions prevents water accumulation and potential roof damage during heavy rain or snow.

Roofing contractors ensure that gutters and downspouts direct water away from the roof, foundation, and landscaping, preventing water-related issues.

Adequate gutter maintenance prevents water damage to your roof and home interior, safeguarding against leaks, mold growth, and structural deterioration.

Flashing and Ventilation Inspection

Inspecting flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights ensures proper sealing against water infiltration, reducing the risk of leaks.

Roofing contractors assess the integrity of flashing, ensuring it’s properly sealed to protect against water, wind, and other external elements.

A well-functioning ventilation system regulates temperature and moisture, preventing excess heat buildup and potential damage. Contractors ensure proper ventilation to extend the roof’s lifespan.

Attic and Interior Examination

Roof inspections extend beyond the exterior. Reputed roof inspection services near you understand this and evaluate the attic and interior spaces for issues that may affect your roof’s performance.

Proper insulation is crucial for energy efficiency and preventing heat loss. Contractors assess insulation for gaps, compression, or signs of damage.

Inspecting the attic for leaks or water stains provides insights into potential roof issues that may require immediate attention.

Mold or mildew growth can indicate moisture infiltration. Contractors identify these issues early to prevent further damage to your roof and home.

Structural Integrity Evaluation

The structural integrity of your roof is paramount. Roofing contractors identify sagging or uneven areas that may indicate underlying structural issues or inadequate support.

What do roof inspectors look for here? They watch out for signs of rot or decay, which helps prevent further damage to the roof’s underlying structure. Roofing contractors also assess supporting structures to ensure they’re sturdy and capable of withstanding the weight and stress placed on the roof.

Experience roofing excellence. Contact us now.

Identification of Pest Infestation

Pest infestation can cause significant damage to your roof. Contractors are trained to recognize signs of infestations and their potential impact.

Further, contractors locate potential entry points for pests and recommend measures to prevent further infestations. Taking proactive steps to address pest-related issues prevents further damage to your roof and home.

Assessment of Sealants and Caulking

Sealants and caulking play a vital role in maintaining your roof’s watertight integrity. Contractors assess their condition and functionality.

Inspecting sealants ensures they’re intact and effective in preventing water penetration. Roofing contractors also reapply caulk to areas where it has deteriorated, restoring watertight seals and preventing leaks.

Energy Efficiency Inspection

Energy efficiency is paramount for a sustainable home. Contractors assess your insulation’s energy-saving properties.

Inspecting insulation’s efficiency helps identify areas where heat loss or gain may be occurring, affecting your home’s energy consumption.

Roofing contractors pinpoint areas where energy might be escaping, allowing you to take measures to improve efficiency.

Documentation and Reporting

Thorough documentation and reporting are essential components of a roof inspection. Contractors who perform roof repair in Sparks create detailed reports for clients’ reference.

Photographic evidence helps clients understand the issues identified during the inspection. A comprehensive report outlines all findings, recommendations, and potential solutions, aiding in decision-making. Contractors then communicate inspection results to clients, addressing their concerns and answering questions.

Summarizing Findings to Clients

After the inspection, contractors provide clients with a clear summary of the identified issues and suggested actions. They explain findings in a straightforward manner, ensuring clients understand the severity of issues.

Roofing contractors help clients prioritize repairs based on urgency and potential impact on the roof’s performance. In addition to necessary repairs, contractors discuss potential improvements that can enhance the roof’s longevity and energy efficiency.


Roofing contractors play a vital role in maintaining the health of your roof and protecting your investment. Regular inspections help catch issues early, prevent further damage, and extend your roof’s lifespan. By following these inspection considerations, homeowners can ensure the long-term durability, safety, and value of their properties.

Your dream roof is just a call away. Reach out today.

David Lytle


Meet David Lytle, the roofing expert. With years of experience in the industry, David's articles offer valuable insights into roofing solutions and maintenance. Discover top-notch roofing advice and services at CTR Roofing.