A Thorough Roof Inspection: What to Look For

Roof Inspections checklist
June 15, 2023

When it comes to your home, the roof is one of the most important components. It provides shelter and protection from the ghostwriting elements, keeping you and your loved ones safe and comfortable. However, it can develop issues over time that may lead to costly roof repairs if left unchecked. That’s why regular roof inspections are crucial.

Unfortunately, while 98% of all homes sold have a home inspection performed, over 85% of properties are sold with roof damage or leaks, costing the unsuspecting buyer large sums to repair or replace. Understand home roof inspection and what you can do to avoid this problem.

Let’s discuss its importance, what does a roof inspection consist of, and how to inspect a roof.

A. Preparing for a Roof Inspection

First, you will need a roofing inspection checklist. You will need a few tools and equipment to ensure a safe and thorough roof inspection. The list includes:

  • A ladder
  • A flashlight
  • A tape measure
  • binoculars
  • And a notepad

Use the notepad to document your findings. But that’s not all. You also need to ensure your safety when conducting a home roof inspection. Wear appropriate footwear and use fall protection equipment because you will be working at heights.

It would be a great idea to wear a safety helmet, glasses, and gloves if necessary. Lastly, check the weather conditions to ensure optimal visibility and safety during the inspection.

B. Exterior Roof Inspection

Before you start your inspection, ask yourself what roof inspectors look for and plan your process accordingly. Your inspection should start with exterior roof examination. It should include:

1) Assessing the Roof’s Overall Condition

If you are still struggling with the question – what to look for when inspecting a roof, start by evaluating the overall condition of your roof. Look for signs of sagging or unevenness. They could indicate structural issues.

Next, check for any visible damage or deterioration. Look for cracked or loose shingles, damaged flashing, or missing tiles. These issues can compromise the roof’s ability to protect your home from water intrusion.

2) Inspecting Shingles and Tiles

Focus on the condition of your shingles or tiles. Identify any missing, cracked, or curling shingles. These issues can leave your roof vulnerable to leaks and further damage. Don’t forget to check individual tiles. Look for cracks or damage that could compromise their effectiveness. Observe granule loss and excessive wear, which could indicate the need for replacement.

3) Examining Flashing and Ventilation

Inspect the flashing around chimneys, skylights, and vents. Ensure proper installation and look for signs of damage, such as cracks or gaps. Adequate flashing is crucial in preventing water penetration. Assess the functionality of the ventilation system to avoid moisture buildup and potential damage to the roof structure.

4) Checking Gutters and Drainage

Finally, check the gutters and drainage. Clear debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow and drainage. Clogged rain gutters can lead to water backup, damaging your roof and the interior of your home. Identify any signs of leaks or blockages and address them promptly to prevent further damage.

C. Interior Roof Inspection

The interior roof inspection is equally important. It helps you understand how far the damage has reached and how you can make the repairs. It includes:

1) Evaluating the Attic Space

Head into your attic and check it thoroughly. First, check the insulation and ventilation. Remember, inadequate insulation can result in energy loss and potential moisture problems. Also, look for signs of water damage or staining. These usually indicate roof leaks. Check for any signs of pests, mold, or mildew growth. They can cause significant damage if left untreated.

2) Examining the Ceilings and Walls

Inspect the ceilings and walls for water stains or discoloration, which may suggest a roof leak. Notice any cracks, peeling paint, or bulges, as they could be signs of structural issues. Moreover, check for mold or mildew growth, as they can pose health risks and further damage your home.

D. Special Considerations for Different Roof Types

Different roof types require specific considerations during inspections. Here’s what you will have to keep in mind.

1) Asphalt Shingle Roofs

For asphalt shingle roofs, common issues include shingle blistering, granule loss, and curling. Pay attention to these specific inspection points and address them promptly. Proper maintenance techniques such as regular cleaning and minor repairs can help prolong the lifespan of your asphalt shingle roof.

2) Metal Roofs

As you may already know, there are a few pros and cons of installing a metal roof. These roofs come with unique challenges and inspection requirements. You will need to:

  • Look for signs of corrosion, loose fasteners, or damaged seams.
  • Check that the protective coatings are intact.
  • Ensure proper maintenance practices, such as cleaning debris and applying protective coatings when needed. Proactive maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your metal roof.

3) Tile Roofs

When inspecting tile roofs, focus on key concerns such as cracked or broken tiles, loose fittings, and damaged underlayment. Follow recommended inspection guidelines and promptly address any issues. Regular maintenance includes removing debris and ensuring proper drainage. It is essential for the longevity of your tile roof.

E. Hiring a Professional Inspector

Yes, DIY inspections are valuable and cost-effective. But it’s best to hire a professional if you don’t know how to inspect a roof or don’t have the necessary equipment. Hiring a professional for your roof inspection in Reno comes with many benefits.

They have the knowledge and expertise to find potential issues that may go unnoticed by an untrained eye. But you have to find a reputable and qualified professional offering roof inspection in Reno.

Remember, you need a comprehensive assessment of your roof and a cost-effective and practical solution. During a professional roof inspection, you can expect a thorough examination of all critical areas and receive expert recommendations.

F. DIY Roof Maintenance Tips

These tips will help you if you are not going to hire a professional roofing firm for inspection. As mentioned before, taking proactive measures will maintain your roof in excellent condition for years.

 Here’s what you can do:

  • Regularly clean your roof and remove debris to prevent clogging and water backup.
  • Trim tree branches near the roof to prevent damage caused by rubbing against the surface or falling branches.
  • Perform simple repairs and maintenance tasks, such as replacing damaged shingles or sealing small cracks. However, leave major repairs or complex tasks to experienced roofing contractors in Reno, NV.


Regular inspections are crucial to keep your roof in excellent condition for years. By identifying and addressing issues early on, you can avoid costly repairs and prolong the life of your roof. The tips and benefits mentioned in this post will help you conduct DIT inspections safely and effectively. Just remember to stick to the basics of home roof infections. Also, schedule your inspections periodically to enjoy peace of mind.

And if you are interested in roof inspection services, look no further than CTR Roofing. We can help you with roof inspections, repairs, and replacements. Feel free to reach out to us for more information.